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how to hold an electric guitar

Guitar playing is a fascinating art that brings joy to many people. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced musician, holding the guitar properly is crucial for a comfortable and efficient playing experience. In this post, we will guide you through the steps of how to hold a guitar correctly and share some essential tips to help you improve your guitar playing skills.

Proper Guitar Holding Technique


One of the first things you need to learn when playing the guitar is how to hold it correctly. Your posture and the way you hold the guitar can greatly affect your playing technique and overall comfort. Here are the steps to holding a guitar properly:

Sit down and position the guitar

Find a comfortable chair or stool to sit on. Rest the waist of the guitar on your right leg (if you are right-handed), allowing the guitar's body to rest against your chest. The top of the guitar should be tilted slightly towards you, and the bottom of the guitar should rest against your right leg. Sit up straight, keep your back relaxed, and avoid slouching.

Adjust the guitar strap if standing


If you prefer to play the guitar while standing, it is important to adjust the guitar strap to the appropriate length. The strap should be long enough to allow the guitar to hang comfortably at your preferred height. Adjust the strap length until the guitar rests in a similar position to when you are sitting, with the body against your chest, and your arms and hands can comfortably reach the frets and strumming area.

Place your picking hand on the guitar

Your picking hand, typically the right hand for right-handed players, should be positioned above the soundhole. Rest the palm of your hand against the bridge of the guitar, allowing your fingers to reach the strings with ease. Keep your thumb relaxed and slightly bent.

Position your fretting hand on the neck

Your fretting hand, usually the left hand for right-handed players, should be positioned on the neck of the guitar. Your thumb should be placed behind the guitar neck, providing support and stability. The fingers of your fretting hand should be positioned directly above the frets, ready to press down on the strings.

Essential Tips for Proper Guitar Holding

Now that you know the basic technique for holding a guitar properly, let's dive into some useful tips that will further enhance your guitar playing experience:

Relax your body

When holding a guitar, it is important to keep your body relaxed. Tension in your muscles can hinder your playing technique and cause discomfort. Take a few moments to stretch and relax your body before you start playing, ensuring that your arms, shoulders, and back are loose and comfortable.

Find a comfortable position

Experiment with different sitting or standing positions to find the one that feels most comfortable for you. Everyone's body is unique, so it is essential to discover the position that allows you to reach all the necessary parts of the guitar easily.

Use a guitar strap for standing

If you enjoy playing the guitar while standing, using a guitar strap is highly recommended. The strap will provide support and allow you to move freely without having to worry about the guitar slipping from your hands. Adjust the strap length to find the most comfortable height for playing.

Keep your guitar in good condition

Regularly check your guitar for any signs of wear or damage. Make sure that the strings are properly attached and not too worn out. Keeping your guitar in good condition will ensure that it stays in tune and plays well, enhancing your overall playing experience.

Practice proper posture

Maintaining good posture while playing the guitar is essential for long-term comfort and avoiding potential injuries. Sit up straight or stand tall, keeping your back relaxed and shoulders squared. Avoid slouching or hunching over the guitar, as this can strain your muscles and affect your technique.


Properly holding a guitar is the foundation for a successful and enjoyable playing experience. By following the correct technique and implementing the tips mentioned in this post, you will improve your comfort, technique, and overall guitar playing skills. Remember to take breaks, stretch, and enjoy the beautiful sounds you can create with your instrument. Happy playing!

How to Hold a Guitar: 12 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow How To Properly Hold A Guitar
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