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Transporting plants and garden waste with a trailer

Springtime is gardening time: A case for followers

Many garden owners rely on a trailer hitch and a universal trailer for their garden transports. Market leader has at least one suitable trailer hitch in its range for almost all current and many older car models. The majority of people who have such a hook on their vehicle use it for exactly that: they want to transport garden waste. This is logical, because garden waste often stains the carpets in the trunk of the vehicle in such a way that they are almost impossible to clean. And if things go really badly, the garbage also ruins the car headliner. By the way, you don't even have to own the suitable trailer, many DIY stores offer an inexpensive rental service.

A red Ford Ka with a trailer hitch and a small trailer. In the background pipes, concrete blocks and other building materials
Rebuilding the garden? No problem with the trailer
One pendant and some other pendants in the background
You can also rent trailers in the hardware store
A lawn mower on the lawn while mowing. Arms and legs of a person who is about to stop or empty the lawnmower
Mowing the lawn is important in spring

Gardening in spring – where do you start?

The first warm rays of sunshine and sprouting spring bloomers in the bed make many garden lovers want to go out and occupy themselves with the garden. But where do you start? With an inventory of the perennial bed, for example: If the perennials have not yet been cut back, the brown stems must now be cut off close to the ground. This way, fresh, young shoots are not injured. And what about mowing the lawn? As soon as it gets warmer and the ground temperature is around 10 degrees Celsius, it's time to start. This promotes a dense turf. After that, the lawn should be mowed at least once a week.

A hand with potting soil and compost waste
Compost for the microorganisms

Should the beds be dug up?

In the past, digging up beds was considered a "must" for every gardener, but this is seen differently nowadays. This is because around ten billion microorganisms live in one litre of soil, and they initiate important conversion processes in the soil. They are bound to certain conditions such as temperature and humidity in the different soil layers, and the structure becomes confused by digging. The result: the microorganisms die, often weed seeds also reach the surface and begin to spread. And when do you have to dig up? Simply when a part of the garden that has not been used so far is to be replanted or sown.

A close-up of a hand and a garden tool being carefully poked into the ground.
Do not damage the roots

Take care of the roots

As a rule, the surface of the garden soil should only be slightly loosened with a cultivator or a pig's tooth. This makes it easy to incorporate compost or rock flour. You have to pay special attention to the root branches of ground covers, such as those of cranesbill or lady's mantle. If you accidentally cut parts of the root system, the plants grow less well and become more susceptible to pests or diseases.

A woman spreading rock flour on a bed. In the background houses and blue sky as well as some bushes and a small hedge
Rock Flour from Neudorff
The hands of a man putting plants in a bed.
Primary rock flour from Schicker Mineral

Of fertilizer, moss and lime

In spring, the plants should be fertilized in such a way that there is a balanced supply of nutrients. Horn shavings and flour are definitely recommended, but they mainly provide nitrogen. For abundant flower formation and good health, plants also need phosphorus and potassium as well as trace elements. The latter are abundant in rock flour, for example from Neudorff. The best universal fertilizer is compost soil. It provides everything plants need. Two to three litres per square metre are recommended. Moss is very common in many gardens, but this is not always an indication of soil that is too acidic. Moss often indicates encrustations of the soil surface. Light roughening and the incorporation of rock flour is often useful here. And what about lime? Before applying lime, the pH value of the soil should be determined. In fact, garden soils in Germany are usually sufficiently supplied with lime.

Keeping roses healthy

Hygiene measures are important, especially for roses: twigs that show suspicious brown spots on their surface and that are sometimes already tearing a little must be removed down to the healthy wood. This is because roses are often attacked by diseases that cannot be fought directly. Here, only the preventive removal of affected areas prevents the spread. The rose cuttings, but also the mowed grass and the dried leaves from the beds should then be taken to the recycling center - preferably with a trailer. It does not make sense to dispose of it with household waste, because fungal diseases could spread through it. Our tip: If you transport garden waste with your trailer, you should set up a safety net. And if you want to buy a small trailer, read the ADAC trailer test, which is no longer completely new, but still suitable for orientation.

By the way...

Of course, you can not only take away garden waste with a trailer hitch. The useful hook, which is available from market leader for almost all new and many older car models, also brings bikes to the destination via bicycle rack - or the caravan on vacation.

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Photo credits

  • Jill Wellington/Pixabay
  • Coleur/Pixabay
  • GreenFR/Pixabay
  • Stihl Press
  • Neuendorff/Press
  • Steinlando GmbH & Co. KG
  • ADAC Press
  • Rameder
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